Fighting For The Elderly, Vulnerable and Injured.

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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

On Behalf of | Jan 12, 2015 | Blog, Law Articles, Nursing home Abuse, Nursing Home Neglect

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

The most common signs of neglect and abuse in a nursing home include bed sores, dehydration, big weight loss, multiple fractures, bruises. But one of the most common signs that we see most frequently is when you go in to visit your loved one and your loved one seems like he or she is drugged up, very lethargic, and you have a hard time waking them. And that’s because the nursing home is probably chemically restraining them or drugging them because they’re understaffed and it’s an easier way to care for your loved one. This can be a very scary experience for a family that realizes their loved one is being mistreated, and even more unnerving for the person experiencing the abuse. And that is exactly what it is. Abuse.

No one should have to suffer any form of neglect, including chemical restraint, just because a nursing home is short staffed or unwilling to provide proper care. We here at York Law Firm make it our personal mission to see that those responsible for such instances be brought to justice. Our firm has been prosecuting these cases for over ten years and we get personal satisfaction holding these nursing homes accountable.

York Law Firm is comprised of Sacramento lawyers that handle nursing home neglect and elder abuse cases. If you believe your loved one has been the victim of elder abuse or neglect in a nursing home or assisted living facility, or believe your family has a wrongful death claim, please call our office so that we can investigate your case at 916-643-2200 or contact us online. We are dedicated to representing families whose elders and dependent adults who have been injured, neglected or abused.

