Fighting For The Elderly, Vulnerable and Injured.

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How To Respond To Elder Abuse in Sacramento

Learning that your loved one is suffering from abuse from a caretaker is something no one ever expects to hear. Yet, if they do learn this information, it is important they take some critical steps to benefit their loved ones.

At York Law Firm, we serve the Bay Area and Sacramento communities with our extensive knowledge of elder abuse law. While we do everything in our power to help our clients as soon as they meet with us, we also want to be able to help them before they come to our offices. If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from abuse or even think they might be, here are some steps you can take to protect them:

Get Information From Your Loved One

The person who knows the most about the abuse in a nursing home is the victims themselves. If you spotted signs of abuse or suspect your loved one is suffering from abuse, talk to them privately to get information. Keep in mind that many elders may feel shame or embarrassment about their abuse and pretend nothing is wrong as a result. Stay calm with them and take the time necessary to get the information you need.

Get Your Loved One Medical Attention

If you believe your loved one is suffering physical injuries because of abuse, get them the treatment they need immediately. Stay with them during their time at the doctor’s or hospital to ensure they are getting care for their wounds while you are gathering necessary documentation of their injuries and care, as this information may be vital to your claim later on.

Get Strong Legal Representation

Care facilities have a way to try and make elder abuse situations go away. They may pressure you into agreeing not to sue them, or they may try and convince you to accept a lowball settlement offer that is far less than you and your loved one deserve.

We know how to hold liable parties accountable for their action and earn the most favorable outcome in your case in a timely and efficient manner. If you want an aggressive and committed attorney at your side to stand up for your loved one, contact us today. Call us at 916-643-2200 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation.