Fighting For The Elderly, Vulnerable and Injured.

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Sacramento Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Although the nursing home industry is intended to provide a caring, nurturing environment for individuals in their golden years, some facilities are motivated more by profit than by proper patient care, so abuses occur. State and federal laws protect nursing home and assisted living facility residents and, with the help of a skilled attorney, nursing home abuse victims or survivors may be able to hold negligent nursing homes accountable and be compensated for their injuries and loss.

York Law Firm features a team of experienced nursing home abuse attorneys. Our Sacramento nursing home abuse attorneys also serve Roseville, Elk Grove, Folsom and the Bay Area. We have been successful in obtaining millions of dollars on behalf of nursing home abuse victims, whether by settlement or by trial. We will work aggressively to protect the rights of your loved one.

What Is Nursing Home Neglect And Abuse?

Nursing home abuse is the mistreatment or neglect of a resident by nursing home staff. Neglect is a form of abuse. It includes physical, emotional and psychological abuse, including:

Signs And Symptoms Of Abuse

Elder abuse is often hard to detect. The victim may not be able to tell others what is happening to them. As advocates for loved ones, we look for warning signs. Red flags of possible nursing home abuse include dehydration, malnutrition, bedsores, overmedication, falls, understaffing, emotional distress and personal injury (including broken bones, slip-and-fall injuries, and catastrophic injuries). Learn more about the signs and symptoms of elder abuse.

Other signs can present as tension between the resident and the staff, or changes in the resident’s behavior or personality. Physical signs can include bruising, cuts, scratches, drowsiness, dry lips or skin, or dissociation from overmedication. Neglect can appear as poor hygiene, unkempt hair, long fingernails, unbrushed teeth and an appearance of malnourishment.

If you suspect that a member of your family is the victim of nursing home neglect, abuse or negligence, our attorneys in Sacramento and the Bay Area can help. Contact York Law Firm today to schedule a consultation. You may also call toll-free at 916-643-2200 or complete a brief questionnaire for a free, private case evaluation.

Nursing Home Abuse Law

State and federal law mandates that nursing home facilities owe their residents a duty of care. When a care facility fails to uphold its duty of care and this failure causes a resident to be injured, the facility can be held liable. Since complex medical malpractice and personal injury laws may bear upon nursing home abuse cases, it is crucial that plaintiffs hire experienced nursing home abuse attorneys to represent their cases. Our Sacramento nursing home abuse attorneys are available to assist with any questions you may have.

Nursing Home Abuse Law FAQs

What is Nursing Home Abuse?

Nursing home abuse is a form of elder abuse that can occur in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. It includes physical, emotional, and financial exploitation of an elderly person.

What can a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer do for me?

Our nursing home abuse lawyers can:

  • Provide legal advice and representation
  • Help you take legal action to hold the responsible parties accountable and achieve justice
  • Pursue compensation for damages
  • Ensure that your rights and the rights of your loved ones are protected

What are the signs of Nursing Home Abuse?

Signs of nursing home abuse may include unexplained injuries, sudden changes in behavior and demeanor, signs of overmedication, and unexplained weight loss.

What are the signs of financial abuse in a California nursing home?

When a loved one resides in a nursing facility, it’s crucial to stay vigilant for signs that someone may be taking financial advantage of them. Abuse in nursing homes often includes financial exploitation. This can be subtle but devastating for elderly residents and their families. Common warning signs include:

  • Unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts or unusual ATM activity. Especially if the resident has limited mobility or rarely leaves the facility.
  • Sudden changes to wills, trusts or power of attorney documents. New beneficiaries who weren’t previously part of the resident’s life appear.
  • Personal belongings like jewelry go missing, even if supposedly kept securely.
  • New credit cards or mysterious charges appearing on their account. Particularly for services they wouldn’t use.
  • Signatures on checks or documents that look forged or suspicious. Documents that were signed when the resident was known to be incapacitated.
  • Staff members showing excessive interest in the resident’s financial matters or offering to “help” with banking or other financial tasks.
  • Bills going unpaid despite adequate financial resources, suggesting someone might be intercepting mail or redirecting funds.
  • Resident expressing confusion about their financial situation or recent transactions, particularly if they were previously sharp with money management.

Victims of nursing home financial exploitation often feel ashamed or afraid to speak up. They may fear retaliation from staff members or worry about not being believed. If you notice any suspicious activity, document everything carefully and consider consulting with elder abuse lawyers who specialize in these cases. Nursing home abuse attorneys can also guide you through the proper channels for reporting the abuse, including contacting:

● The nursing home’s administration.
● California’s Adult Protective Services.
● The Long-Term Care Ombudsman.
● Local law enforcement if criminal activity is suspected.

Taking swift action is crucial to protect your loved one’s financial well-being and prevent further exploitation. Remember that financial abuse often occurs alongside other forms of mistreatment, so staying attentive to all aspects of your loved one’s care is essential for their safety and security.

Who can help with Nursing Home Abuse?

An experienced nursing home abuse lawyer can help you hold the responsible parties accountable and help you obtain justice and compensation for you and your family.

What should I do if I suspect Nursing Home Abuse?

If you suspect nursing home abuse, it is important to contact a nursing home abuse lawyer immediately. They can investigate the situation and help you determine the best course of action. If you suspect that someone is experiencing nursing home abuse, call the attorneys at York Law Firm today.

What should I look for in a nursing home abuse lawyer?

Nursing home abuse, as well as nursing home negligence, can have devastating consequences on the vulnerable, making it critical to have a skilled advocate on your side. Choosing the right nursing home abuse lawyer is a crucial step in helping ensure your loved one receives justice and that their rights remain intact going forward.

Here are some factors to consider when selecting a lawyer to handle your abuse case:

  • Experience with nursing home abuse issues: An attorney familiar with the nuances of these cases is better equipped to navigate the legal landscape, understand the specific laws that apply and identify the tactics often employed by nursing homes to deflect blame.
  • Investigative skills: These cases often require a thorough examination of medical records, eyewitness testimonies and other relevant evidence to build a compelling case. An attorney with experience gathering and analyzing this type of evidence can enhance your chances of a successful outcome.
  • Strong legal support: A competent nursing home abuse lawyer should be able to explain the legal process in understandable terms, outline your options and help you make informed decisions about how to proceed.
  • Compassion and understanding: Dealing with nursing home abuse can be an emotionally overwhelming experience, and having an attorney who genuinely cares about your situation can make a difference.
  • Reputation and client review: A lawyer with a solid reputation in the community and positive feedback from past clients is more likely to provide quality legal representation. Also, you can ask for referrals from trusted sources, such as family members or healthcare professionals.
  • Fee structure and accessibility: Many nursing home abuse lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. This arrangement can alleviate some financial stress during a challenging time.

Finding the right nursing home abuse lawyer is essential to address nursing home abuse and negligence. By considering these factors, you can choose an attorney who is not only skilled and experienced but also compassionate and dedicated to achieving justice for your loved one.

Does elopement from a nursing home signal potential abuse?

Elopement from a nursing home can be a distressing experience for both the resident and their loved ones. Elopement occurs when a resident leaves the facility without authorization or supervision, which can put them at significant risk. The term “elopement risk” refers to the likelihood that a resident might wander off. This can stem from various factors such as dementia, confusion or inadequate supervision.

For families, discovering that a loved one has eloped from a nursing home can be alarming. It might raise questions about the facility’s level of care and supervision. While elopement doesn’t automatically mean abuse is present, it can be a red flag for potential issues like nursing home neglect or understaffing.

It’s crucial to avoid jumping to conclusions. Instead, gather all available information and observe any changes in your loved one’s behavior, such as:

  • Are they showing signs of emotional distress?
  • Do they suffer frequent falls or unexplained injuries?
  • Are they often dehydrated or have a poor appetite?
  • Are they afraid of specific staff members?

These can be indicators of deeper issues within the facility.

If you suspect that your loved one has suffered from either physical or emotional abuse, it’s vital to speak with an experienced nursing home abuse attorney. A skilled lawyer can guide you through the process of determining whether abuse or neglect has occurred. Contacting a nursing home elopement law firm can help you understand your legal options and rights.

Remember, taking the time to do your due diligence is essential. Visit the facility regularly and talk to the staff about their policies and procedures for preventing elopement. Ask how they assess elopement risk and what measures are in place to protect residents. By acting thoughtfully and carefully, you can help ensure your loved one’s safety and well-being.

Contact Our Sacramento Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

If someone you love has suffered an injury because of nursing home abuse or neglect, you need the counsel of an experienced attorney. Contact York Law Firm to schedule a case evaluation with one of our Sacramento nursing home abuse attorneys. Our lawyers serve Sacramento and nearby Northern California areas.

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Call now to speak with one of our Sacramento nursing home abuse attorneys at 916-643-2200.