Fighting For The Elderly, Vulnerable and Injured.

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The U.S. Government Releases Startling Statistics About Elder Abuse

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2014 | Blog, Elder Abuse, News

The U.S. Government Releases Startling Statistics About Elder Abuse

U.S. Government Releases Startling Statistics About Elder Abuse – The U.S. Government recently published the Elder Justice Road Map Project in response to emerging health, financial, and social crisis. This initiative was funded by the U.S. Department of Justice with the support of the Department of Health and Human Services. In the report, the Government identifies the human and economic toll that elder abuse triggers. First, elder abuse triggers a downward spiral of eroding health and well being, leading to untold suffering. This physical and/or psychological suffering, in turn, needlessly depletes financial resources of individuals, families, and our public programs (Medicare and Medicaid). The Elder Justice Road Map Report reveals the following statistics have been revealed:

• Elder abuse triples the risk of premature death and causes unnecessary illness, injury and suffering.
• Understaffing at nursing homes leads to a 22% increase in unnecessary hospitalizations.
• Most adverse events in nursing homes — due largely to inadequate treatment, care and understaffing — lead to preventable harm and $2.8 billion per year in Medicare hospital costs alone (excluding additional and substantial Medicaid costs).

We are dedicated to representing elders and dependent adults who have been injured, neglected or abused. If you or your loved one has been the victim of abuse at a skilled nursing facility, hospital or assisted living facility, please contact our team at York Law Firm at 916-643-2200 so that we can investigate your case.

To read the Elder Justice Road Map Report, visit

