Fighting For The Elderly, Vulnerable and Injured.

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Ensign Group Buys More California Nursing Homes

On Behalf of | Aug 2, 2014 | Elder Abuse, Insurance Fraud, News, Nursing home Abuse

Ensign Group, a parent company that owns skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation care facilities, home healthcare, hospice and assisted living facilities throughout California and other states, announced that it has agreed to purchase Keiro Senior Health Care’s nursing homes and assisted living facilities. This purchase will increase Ensign’s market share in the senior care industry.

Ensign Group is the same entity that agreed to pay $48 million to settle a whistleblower lawsuit alleging Medicare billing fraud. In that Qui Tam (Whistleblower) lawsuit, the allegations included that Ensign billed Medicare for treatment of patients that was not actually provided or not medically necessary. The federal government also alleged that some of Ensign’s patients were admitted for treatment at nursing homes that they did not need and that some of them were kept in facilities longer than medically necessary. Medicare billing fraud allows unscrupulous nursing homes to turn our elder population into profit centers and costs taxpayers billions of dollars with higher health care costs and higher taxes.

If you believe that you or your loved one has been the victim of unnecessary medical services or Medicare billing fraud (billed for services that are not being rendered or that are not needed) or that the nursing home is keeping you or your loved one longer than is medically necessary, it may indicate a pattern of fraud. Fraud is a form of elder abuse. At York Law Firm, we are committed to holding nursing homes accountable for Medicare billing fraud, elder abuse and neglect. If you would like to file a complaint or have your case investigated, contact York Law Firm at 916-643-2200.

