Fighting For The Elderly, Vulnerable and Injured.

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Cases in the News

On Behalf of | Jun 3, 2008 | News

Cases in the News

Irving v. City of Sacramento Fire Department
Wrongful termination, gender discrimination/harassment, assault and battery

McNeill v. Tehama County
Catastrophic Injuries from accident of Auto vs 20,000 lb Asphalt Roller Compactor, $1.1 Million Jury Verdict

Wage and Hour Class Action Litigation

Ollison v. Eskaton—the Homestead of Fair Oaks
Nursing Home Negligence and Elder Abuse

Prasad v. Regents of the University of California (UCDMC)
Wrongful termination, racial discrimination

Johnson & Johnson
Vicryl Sutures Mass Tort Case

Rojo v. Winncrest, et al.
Toxic Mold Litigation

